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ISO Certification – Made Easy

// International Organization for Standardization

ISO Certifications

Eyecomm Technologies, provide managed compliance solutions that are consistent and repeatable for unrivaled value over the life of a regulation or standard to the large, medium and small-sized companies. Our software solutions can help you in achieving compliance in less time and consistently over the years. Our professionals have experience in audit, compliance and risk management, and they have successfully assisted hundreds of clients worldwide in becoming compliant with various ISO standards and regulations.

We aim at helping businesses meet their compliance and security objectives in a cost-effective and optimal manner.

Eyecomm Technologies has assisted clients with:

Information security, cyber security and privacy protection

Guidelines for the application of ISO to computer software

Management system for educational organizations

Food safety management system (FSMS)

Environmental management system

Guidance on social responsibility

 Security management systems for the supply chain

Occupational health and safety management systems

Energy management systems

Asset management — Overview, principles and terminology

Information technology — Service management

Security and resilience — Business continuity management systems

Food safety & security certification

Sustainable Supply Chain Solution

Customer Code of Conduct – Audit preparation

British retail consortium

Hazard analysis critical control point